The Spanish-Portuguese Assembly of Geodesy and Geophysics held its first edition in 1998 in Aguadulce (Almería) and since then it is held alternately between the organizing countries, Spain and Portugal on a biennial basis.
The Spanish-Portuguese Assembly of Geodesy and Geophysics has been consolidated as the main forum of dissemination and scientific exchange between Spanish and Portuguese researchers in Earth Sciences, throughout the held editions.
The reception of this Assembly is growing among the scientific community with a mean of more than 200 presentations and important international conferences.
The 10th Spanish-Portuguese Assemblyof Geodesy and Geophysics will be organized by the following institutions:
- Geodesy and Geophysics Spanish Commision
- National Geographic Institute
- Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera
The Geodesy and Geophysics Spanish Commision (CEGG) is an interministerial collegecreated to facilitate the coordination and collaboration in the field of Earth Sciences in Spain and attached to the Ministry of Transports, mobility and urban agenda through the General Directorate of the National Geographic Institute.
One of its main aims is to promote and support the work, research and studies of the Earth and its environment and define the priority lines of public action in the fields of Geodesy and Geophysics.
The National Geographic Institute (IGN) is a General Directiorate from the Ministry of Transports, mobility and urban agenda, with the purposes of planning and managing the national networks of seismic, volcanic surveillance, gravimetry, geomagnetism, geodesy, as well as all work and studies related to these topics, elaboration of regulations and alert communications.
The Português do Mar e da Atmosfera Institute (IPMA) is the organization responsible for the meteorology, geophysics and marine research and policies of Portugal. It was founded in 2012 as the result of the joint of the Meteorological Institute and the Portugese Fisheries and Sea Research Institute.
The selected dates to hold the 10th Spanish-Portuguese Assembly of Geodesy and Geophysics are from the 28th of November to 1st of December 2022 and will be organized at Palacio de Congresos of Toledo.
From the organization, we invite to participate in this congress to the entire Spanish and Portuguese scientific community, extending the invitation to the scientific community of Europe and the Maghreb.
In this way, the official languages of the talks during the Assembly will be Spanish, Portuguese and English.